Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hurricane Ridge, September 5 2010

We had just arrived in the Olympic National Park area, and were encouraged by park staff to head immediately for Hurricane Ridge while the sun was out. On arrival saw wisps of cloud moving over the ridge. This shot is from near the parking area, and the lodge is just off to the right. The local time was about 5 pm, and this shot is generally southwest, so the sun was lighting the clouds from behind.

The tricky part of this exposure was to retain enough detail in the foreground while maintaining cloud detail.  I exposed for the cloud detail (this being the most important part of the image) and hoped to retain detail in the foreground. This mostly worked. In photoshop I added contrast to the sky only, and that helped a lot. Also used glamour glow to more punch, as well as lightening the second hillside to get alternating light and dark horizontal bands to add depth.


  1. I think you spelled 'glamour' the british way...

  2. This one's my favorite so far. I like the contrast between the colors, and the light coming through the clouds has a cool quality to it.
