Sunday, November 14, 2010


I am still not quite sure how I saw this image, but I am glad I did. I am getting to like it more and more. I did not expect the white hat to play such a large role. This image belongs on my office wall.

This was taken as homework for the November class of Advanced Photography. This image is intended to illustrate the following quote:

"The content of art must go beyond the presentation of the individual objects of which it consists. When I project my strivings and forces into nature I do so also as to the way my strivings and forces make me feel... To miss the metaphorical and to see only the literal is to misunderstand the expressive aspects of photographs..."  -- Terry Barrett

Image: df101107_1329, 7 November 2010, Panino Restaurant, Solvang, California

Fritto Misto

This was a homework shot for the Advanced photography class. The assignment was to illustrate a selected quotation from an artist or photographer. This image was intended to illustrate this quote:

 "It is astonishing how little most people know about their feelings... Their lives pass by as a featureless stream of experience... As opposed to this state of chronic apathy, creative individuals are in very close touch with their emotions... They are aware of their inner states without having to become self-conscious." --Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

I picked this out of this month's images because of its emotional overtones. Taken with the Hasselblad, Fujichrome 100 film. Rather haunting, no?